DeRamp Status - May 2024: Live!

Bridge Now

The Base-Degen L3 Cross-Chain Bridge

Safely onramp and offramp onto the Degen L3 chain in minutes with $DR not days

DeRamp V1

Bridge between Base and Degen L3

DeRamp v1 leverages $DR to allow users to quickly exchange liquidity between the Base Network and Degenchain

Swap to your favorite tokens

$DR can be swapped to any of your favorite tokens

Price Stability

The price of $DR is kept stable across both networks using arbitrage, buybacks and constant supply

Frequently Asked Questions

Anything else - just reach out:)

    • What is DeRamp?

      DeRamp is an instant bridging protocol built on DegenChain, so users don’t have a lockup period to bridge tokens off DegenChain.

    • How does it work?

      A user buys $DR on DegenChain, bridges $DR through DeRamp onto base, and sells $DR on base.

    • What are the fees for using DeRamp?

      Currently there is a 2% bridge fee and a 2% buy/sell tax.

    • How long does it take to bridge assets with DeRamp?

      Instant to a couple minutes.

    • Can you explain the token distribution, staking, and profit-sharing models on DeRamp?

      Our community is savvy! They know the drill and they're botluck. but evervone brings gold nuggets

    • Do the tipsters know what they're doing?

      Our community is savvy! They know the drill and they're botluck. but evervone brings gold nuggets

    • What is the roadmap for DeRamp, and what future developments can users expect?

      In the next 4 weeks, we plan to reduce fees to 0.5% via DeRamp v2.

    • Where is DeRamp Pay based?

      If we told you, we'd have to... just kidding! Let's just say we're conveniently located in the cloud, accessible everywhere, avoiding the SEC's curious eyes.

    • Where can I get support if I have an issue with a bridge transaction?

      Ask us on Telegram @derampontg

Bridge now

Connect your wallet and bridge seamlessly